/ English version below.
Sett av datoen 23. og 24. april 2017. Vi er utrolig takknemlig og stolt over at Heidi Baker prioriterer å komme til Bergen for å dele fra sitt hjerte og sitt liv.
I løpet av de siste årene har det vært hundrevis av nordmenn som har reist til Mosambik i sør-øst Afrika for å delta på den internasjonale bibelskolen som arrangeres i regi av Iris Global, eller besøkt basen for en kortere periode. Mennesker har blitt berørt av Jesus, og mange mennesker har fått erfare at Gud har gitt dem et hjerte for misjon.
Heidi Baker lever nært til Jesus, og er et forbilde på å elske vår neste i alt hun gjør. Nedenfor finner du en biografi som forteller om det arbeidet Heidi og mannen Rolland står i.
Søndag 23. april kl 11.00: Gudstjeneste med Elin Linde Fagerbakke.
Søndag 23. april kl 18.00: Kveldsmøte med Heidi Baker.
Mandag 24. april kl 09.30 -13.00:
Formiddagsmøte med Heidi Baker. Dette er åpent for alle! og det er FRI INNGANG!
Det vil være salg av boller og kaffi etter møte mandag, hvor inntekten vil gå til Heidi Baker sitt arbeid i Mosambik. Ellers så er du helt fri til å ta med matpakke.
Det er dessverre ikke mulighet for parkering på NRK`s område på dagtid mandag. Bruk bybane, eller finn informasjon på nettet om parkering i nærområdet
Hvis du har spørsmål ang konferansen:
Det vil ikke være noen kostnad for å delta på konferansen. Vi ønsker at flest mulig skal få muligheten til å delta..
Men det vil være mulighet for å kunne gi en gave under konferansen, hvor overskuddet fra konferansen vil gå til Iris Global (arbeidet som Heidi og Rolland Baker startet).
Om du kommer utenfra Bergen og trenger et sted å bo har vi en avtale med to av hotellene i byen om å gi en god pris for tilreisende til denne konferansen. Klikk på linkene: Grand Terminus og Zander K
HEIDI IS COMING TO BERGEN 23. - 24. april 2017
We are so thankful and privileged that Heidi Baker comes to Bergen to share her heart and from her life.
Through the last couple of years it has been over hundreds of Norwegians and Scandinavians that has travelled to Mozambique in south east Africa to attend the International Bible School that arranges through Iris Global (Harvest School), or has just visited the place for a short period of time. But common for them both is that people has been touched by Jesus, and many people has experienced that God has given them a heart for mission.
Heidi Baker is living her life close to Jesus and is a good example on how to love our neighbor as ourselves in everything she do.
Below you can read a biography about the work that Heidi and her husband Rolland founded.
Elin Fagerbakke:
We also have the privilege to have with us Elin Linde Fagerbakke.
A Norwegian woman who is this the founder of Women in Network, and has a burning desire for Jesus. Her heart and passion is shining through in everything she do. Women in network has a close connection with Iris Global, and every year they travel with a team to Pemba in Mozambique to arrange conferences for the mozambicans, and build friendships.
We are looking forward to hear what God has put on her heart for this conference.
Sunday 23. April 11 am : Elin Linde Fagerbakke
Sunday 23. April 6 pm : Heidi Baker
Monday 24. April 9.30 am: Heidi Baker
We probably got the best, spiritfilled and funniest translator in Norway for this event. We are so thankful that Marianne Braaseth will be translating on Heidi Baker`s meetings.
There will be no charge to attend the conference. We want as many people as possible have the opportunity to participate.
Go to Facebook, and attend: Heidi Baker konferanse
But it will be an opportunity to give a gift during the conference, where money will go to Iris Global (work Heidi and Rolland Baker founded).
If you come from outside Bergen and need a place to stay, we have an agreement with two of the hotels in town to give a good price for visitors to this conference. Click the links: Grand Terminus og Zander K.
If you have any question, you can email me at:
Heidi’ Greatest Passion is to live in the manifest presence of God and to carry His glory, presence and love to a lost and dying world. She longs to see others laying their lives down for the sake of the gospel and coming home to the Father’s love. Rolland and Heidi Baker founded Iris Ministry, now Iris Global in 1980. In 1995 they were called to the poorest country in the world at the time, Mozambique, and faced an extreme test of the Gospel. They began by pouring out their lives among abandoned street children, and as the Holy Spirit moved miraculously in many ways a revival movement spread to adults, pastors, churches and then throughout the bush all across Mozambique's ten provinces. Heidi is now "Mama Aida" to thousands of children, and oversees a broad holistic ministry that includes Bible schools, medical clinics, church-based orphan care, well drilling, primary schools, evangelistic industries, cottage farms, widow’s programs, and healing outreaches in remote villages that includes a network of hundreds of churches. She earned her BA, MA degrees
from S.C.C., Vanguard University and her PhD from Kings College, University of London. She is calling for a passionate tribe of believers who will pour out their life for loves sake and bring all children of all age’s home to the Fathers embrace!